Warm Vegan Breakfast Quinoa

It’s a brand new year, and like most people who have made resolutions, I’ve decided that this is the year that I get in the best shape of my life.  This is not just an empty threat, not this time.  I’ve realized that I’m way too young to feel out of shape.  I’m 23–why shouldn’t I be in the best shape of my life?  Besides, it’s not only a choice to be healthier; it’s a choice to be happier.

The holidays were filled with rich food and copious amounts of wine so January is devoted to detox, getting my body back on track with a healthier diet and more exercise.  I’ve been experimenting with vegan recipes.  I’ve found that a delicious and healthy way to start the day is Warm Breakfast Quinoa.
I adapted a recipe from 101 Cookbooks with some substitutions based on what I had: I used almond milk instead of dairy milk to make it vegan, and I added blueberries and grated coconut.  I also added ground flaxseed for some extra fiber, and I used coconut nectar instead of agave nectar.
I found Coconut Secret coconut nectar at Whole Foods while looking for agave nectar or another natural sweetener.  It claims to be more healthy than agave nectar, and it tastes and looks similar.  After drizzling it on this breakfast quinoa, I’m kind of obsessed with it now, which is probably NOT healthy.  It’s difficult to hold myself back from adding a little extra to the breakfast quinoa.
I love the texture and taste of quinoa. Biting into the bubbly grains, you experience an initial give followed by a subtle burst of nutty flavor.  The roasted pecans and grated coconut enhance the warm nuttiness of the quinoa while the berries and coconut nectar lend it a soft edge of sweetness that hits the perfect note for breakfast.  This dish will be on my breakfast rotation for a while.